Pain and Stress Management
Experience Rehab brings together highly regarded health professionals with expertise in the management of pain or stress related conditions. Research has proven the effectiveness of multi-disciplinary teams in the ability to address biomechanical, occupational and psychological factors that lead to improved resilience and optimal health outcomes.
Using education and understanding to foster self-management, Experience Rehab will tailor a programme to suit the needs of the individual or group.
Components may include:
- Education about stress and pain conditions to understand self-management principles.
- Pacing strategies and activity modification in the workplace and with daily activity.
- Address fear or anxiety in a safe and effective way.
- Skills to manage stress more effectively and build resilience.
- Functional reactivation programme which includes physical strenthening, endurance and conditioning.
- Relaxation techniques.
- Effective strategies to communicate about pain and stress.
Experience Rehab’s team provide a combined knowledge base with seamless access to multiple medical professionals, to educate and empower.